Prashan Shastra helps in predicting future events. The horoscope/Prashan Kundlee is created based on the moment a query is put. It has a advantage over the lagan Kundlee in the sense that the time of query is known accurately. In fact the time at which a query is put is the time of birth of the intention or desire in the mind of the querent and hence of great significance. Prashan Shastra or Horary astrology is the art of perceiving the relation between the thought as it arises in the mind and the pattern of the heavens at the moment. This gives a clue for forecasting an event. Hence horary astrology is the most practical and useful branch of knowledge.
Applications of Prashan Shastra
Prashan Shatra is used in numerous area of questions some of potential area to get answer could be:
- Sucess/Defeat
- Recovery of Missing
- Recovery from disease
- Change the doctor Yes/No
- Promotion in job
- Transfer in Job
- Gain or losses in new business
- Decision in court case
- Journey yes/No
- Marriage Yes/No
General Astrology
Astrology is action oriented Science that helps a man in harmonising his life.
Four Vedas
- Rig
- Yajur
- Sam
- Atharva
Six Vedangas
- Shiksha
- Kalpa (Rituals)
- Vyakaran (Grammer)
- Nirukta (Etymology)
- Chhanda (Metres)
- Jyotisha (Astrology)
Six Limbs of Jotisha Shastras
- Gol
- Nimitta
- Prasna
- Muhurtavya
- Ganitnamanee