WhatsApp: +91 9845061828
Email: info@rishabdivine.com

WhatsApp: +91 9845061828

Contact Form for Evaluation and Report Generation

Kindly note it is Important to fill all the details as given below to generate the Birth chart:

  1. Name,
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Time of Birth, AM/PM (Morning/Evening)
  4. Place of birth,
  5. Email 
  6. Questions
  7. Payment details

Report will be genrated and sent through Email and can be discussed over Phone with prior appointment

Kindly note that no report will be generated before the receipt of payment. Any appointment other than report is charged separately.

This is the heading

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Customer from Indian Origin

Payment can be made through Google pay, Paytm, UPI, by scanning and paying or through bank transfer given below: 

Bank Details for payment

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Water Sports

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Winter Sports

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

Why Outdoor Adventure

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What You Get

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